"Wearable Security: Pick-Pocket Proof Travel Pants" - Plus Giveaway

17 March 2014

"The more I travel, the less I carry. And the less I carry, the more I wear what I need and enjoy. As I approach my third year of slow travel in Latin America, dressing myself has become a bit of an art form."

"These P^cubed Pick-Pocket Proof Pants™ by Clothing Arts, with an ingenious design for surreptitiously carrying passport, credit cards, mobile phone, etc., are perfect for modern day nomads like me. Cold weather or warm they go well with sweaters or T-shirts, boots or sandals. Better still, they’re durable and lightweight."

"Favorite feature: Unlike a lot of cargo-style travel pants with billowing pant legs and ballooning pockets, these have a slim, attractive profile. They’re not skinny jeans, don’t get me wrong. But even when loaded down with documents and electronics, they don’t look like it. Better yet, they roll up and convert to capris for warm weather destinations. "

Read the full review & enter Ellen's giveaway
