Help Us Save the Amazon. It’s #OurLastChance

22 March 2016

Your First Chance #OurLastChanceIf your home was threatened by destruction, what would you do? The Huaorani people in the Ecuadorian Amazon are facing just such a threat. The insatiable oil industry is pressuring Huaorani communities for greater access to what's left of the pristine Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador. They seek to exploit, extract and extirpate its resources, destroying the Huaorani way of life and the planet's most bio-diverse ecosystem.

The Huaorani are the wardens of the rainforest and their home is under threatBut there is something you can do about it.

Eco-responsible tourism is a viable alternative to the exploitation of natural resources in the rainforest, where local communities take charge of an enormously potential industry that can share the wonders of their unique and marvelous home with travelers the world over without compromising their naivité, territory, autonomy, and lifestyle.

This is Bai a Huaorani manIn partnership with Tropic Journeys, the Huaorani Ecolodge has been an ecotourism venture used as tool for cultural and environmental conservation for 22 years by engaging five local Huaorani communities, protecting 55,000 hectares of primary rainforest and accommodating over 1,500 adventure seekers from around the globe. This is #OurLastChance to keep these communities engaged and help us protect this unique rainforest culture.

We are not asking for charity; we're asking for an opportunity to strengthen a sustainable tourism model to help preserve this unique forest culture in one of the world's most priceless ecosystems.

The Huaorani invite you to help make sustainability more profitable than exploitation.
