Help Us Fight Against HIV/AIDS in Tanzania

4 May 2018

In 2016, 1.4 million people were living with HIV & AIDS. Today, 225 new infections occur in a day. Many of those impacted fall in the age ranges of 15-48 years of age, leaving families devastated, and decimating the future of Tanzania’s youth and economic progress.

But there is hope. Lasting change is possible, with your support.

For the last 2 years, Ahsante Tours has been the proud organizer in the sponsored cycling challenge of this annual event. This year, not only are we taking you on the cycling and hiking challenge on Kilimanjaro, we are hosting this fundraiser event to fight against HIV & AIDS. We are extremely honored to be joining again Geita Gold Mine’s Kilimanjaro Challenge against HIV/AIDS to support the Tanzanian government’s progress towards zero new infections, zero stigma incidences, and zero deaths by 2030.

Here at Ahsante Tours, our vision from the beginning has always been to give back to the community and country that helped to nurture us. We are humbled, honored and committed to be making a meaningful and lasting impact on this noble cause.

Each year, participants take on the challenge of Kilimanjaro either by trekking to the roof of Africa, or cycling the mountain’s perimeter in the week-long fundraising event.

Since its inception in 2002, the Kili Challenge has helped to lower the new infection rate of HIV/AIDS by more than half. Over 750 people have taken part in the challenge, and funds raised have benefited over 40 local organizations in building or refurbishing orphanages, schools, clinics and counseling centers across Tanzania.

This year, participants, officials and supporters will begin the challenge at the Machame Gate on 24th June with a special Flag Off ceremony event, before embarking on the long road ahead. After conquering the challenge, both teams will then meet again at Mweka Gate on 30th June, where official closing celebrations will welcome them home.

How can you help?

You can help us bring hope to HIV/AIDs-affected communities across the country by signing up to the Kili Challenge today.

Either sign up to take part in this life-changing event by joining as a trekker or cyclist now, or help make someone else’s dream come true by sponsoring a team or an individual trekker/cyclist today.

Contact us at [email protected] to register your interest now!


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