ATTA Delivers Three Years of Member Benefits via Prosper Headlines

29 July 2014

In July 2011, the ATTA recognized an increasing number of member-only offers as well as the need to help facilitate regular online networking among the growing membership. To concisely communicate and help its members connect with business opportunities and take advantage of timely discounts and services, the Prosper newsletter was born.

“PROSPER with Fresh Member Benefits & Resources” was originally designed to:

  • Keep Members up-to-date on key member benefits,
  • Drive involvement in the ATTA online member community, The HUB,
  • Minimize the number of one-off emails tailored to members to reduce inbox overflow,
  • Be simple and concise, making it easier for members to scan and act on opportunities they might otherwise miss.
Prosper features upcoming webinars, ATTA event registration, new research, special offers, recent webinar recordings, best practices guides, and Hub Discussions (Members seeking partners, members polling for advice or knowledge sharing discussions, etc).

Since 2011, the number of member staff active on The HUB has jumped 1,400 to just over 2,500, the ATTA Member Benefits available have nearly doubled, and we’ve added: public trip listings and traveler reviews on for tour operators, access to legal document templates, travel software discounts, an international UPS shipping program, research reports, marketing white papers and more. There are also now 75 shared webinars recordings and slide decks accessible to current members on topics from marketing best practices, in-depth research review, and destination and technology showcases.

ATTA distributes Prosper via email to all of its current, active members. Any staff person at an ATTA member organization can opt-in to receive the monthly communication simply by emailing [email protected].
