10,000 Free Round-Trip Tickets to Japan

12 October 2011

Yahoo! News has reported on a remarkable campaign being proposed by the Japan Tourism Agency - the giveaway of 10,000 free roundtrip airfare tickets globally to elicit social media buzz in order to help jump start the ailing local tourism industry after the catastrophic earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima Dai-ichi Powr plant disaster this spring. If the government grants the funding, the plan would be put in action next April, roughly a year after the tragic events which have seen Japan's inbound tourism slashed in half:

The tourism agency says it plans to open a website to solicit applicants interested in the free tickets. Would- be visitors will have to detail in writing their travel plans in Japan, and explain what they hope to get out of the trip. Successful applicants would pay for their own accommodation and meals. They would also be required to write a review their travel experiences, and post it online.

“We are hoping to get highly influential blogger-types, and others who can spread the word that Japan is a safe place to visit,” said Kazuyoshi Sato, with the agency.
