Connecting through adventure
Over three days in October, 185 delegates from 30 different countries converged in Amman, Jordan to explore the country’s rich tapestry, build connections, and exchange ideas. AdventureELEVATE Near East itinerary included a wide range of adventure activities throughout iconic sites and off-the-beaten paths, including Wadi Hora, Petra, and Dana Biosphere.
Floating effortlessly in the buoyant waters of the Dead Sea was a unique experience for many. Delegates indulged in the healing properties of the Dead Sea mud and enjoyed its therapeutic benefits, all while taking in the stunning scenery. For others, cycling the Jordan Bike Trail provided an exciting opportunity to explore the country's diverse landscapes, from the towering mountains to the serene deserts of Wadi Rum.
“Jordan offers spectacular landscapes, ancient history, and a rich cultural heritage – all the ingredients for an ideal adventure playground. What makes it so special and unique are its wonderful, welcoming, and passionate people,” said Stefan Moosleitner of PUREWILD Ventures. “The contrast of the barren, rugged terrain to the incredible variety of delicious local food we were offered throughout our adventure was more than surprising – from typical restaurants to private family homes or mobile campsite cuisine – everywhere we ventured, we got spoiled.”
Partnerships truly unlock the potential of our industry
As speakers and sessions began, it became clear that there is a growing focus on the importance of unity and collaboration in the adventure tourism sector.
In his opening keynote address, Julian Guererro, Director USAID Destination Nature Activity & Ex-Vice Minister of Tourism of Colombia, reflected on the event theme of “sharing fierce wisdom,” through his experience developing a new sustainable tourism strategy in Colombia, which required working together with the private and public sectors.
He reminded the audience that as we progress towards a healthier version of travel in our own homelands, we must remember that sustainability is a larger force than what we see right in front of us in our communities.
Prioritizing quality over quantity and value over volume
In a world often preoccupied with quantity and volume, AdventureELEVATE Near East 2023 reinforced the importance of quality and value. Through sessions focusing on climate action and responsible travel, attendees were encouraged to reflect and consider how a focus on quality can enhance the traveler's experience and willingness to invest in a sustainable adventure tourism industry.
In a session on Climate Action for Small Businesses, panelist Matt Loveland, the Managing Director of Wilderness England, spoke about the Glasgow Declaration and highlighted the need to measure, decarbonize, regenerate, collaborate, and finance when it comes to climate action. For travelers and tourism businesses alike, a possible manifesto he suggested is, “fly less, stay longer, and make it count.”
The power of the unexpected
AdventureELEVATE Near East 2023 allowed delegates to explore the adventure tourism potential of the region but also to connect with its people, its history and living culture, and its natural wonders.
“The hospitality and kindness was unexpected and incredibly appreciated,” remarked ATTA Storyteller Jesse Todd. “The landscape seems like you’re not even on this planet, with layers of beauty below the surface just waiting to be explored.”
Habiba el Kasri, founder of the Moroccan travel company Asgunfa, echoed that delight. “What surprised me the most is to be able to hike in the desert in the morning and dive in the Red Sea in the afternoon on the same day,” she said.
For tourism professionals, the joy of the unexpected is a welcome reset and reminder of the power that adventure travel holds. As one delegate noted, Jordan proved to be “truly an adventure paradise.”
Editor’s Note: While delegates were arriving or already in-country, war broke out between Hamas and Israel, a devastating event which ATTA’s senior leadership team and in-country partners began to closely monitor. Through open communication with delegates, we worked to ensure all parties felt safe and taken care of during this difficult time. Jordan lived up to its reputation as a country focused on peace, and many delegates commented on the warm and welcoming hospitality they received. No incidents were reported and delegates returned home ahead of the more recent escalation in the region. We continue to monitor the war and unfolding humanitarian crisis and join our global community in calls for peace.